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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  July 8, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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staggering scale. how many times jaycee dugard might have been seen. >> and who was on board the >> and who was on board the plane that went down in denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open.
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a scathing new report by a federal judge regarding the case of convicted sex offender of philip garrido. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm carolyn johnson. it addresses dozens of incidents which they failed to monitor garrido. more on the specifics of that reported. >> a federal judge released the report that scrutiny and criticism would improve the system and standards are already high for supervising sex parole agents and if they had done
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their job she may not have suffered for to decades. >> next month will mark two full years of freedom for jaycee dugard. >> i remember shouting, they found her, my daughter. [ laughter ] >> i was crying and you know when you can't speak. >> reporter: now two days before her exclusive television appearance, a chief judge james ware of san francisco has released a confidential 45 page report detailing how federal parole officers botched the investigation. he had been on probably in which time she kidnapped dugard. even though garrido was a high risk sex offender, home contact by federal parole officers were
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rare. officers never verified if he registered as sex offender and failed to notify state and federal authorities about garrido's failed drug tests. >> normally you can't sue the state or federal government. >> a former prosecutor says there will be hurdles if dugard decides to sue the federal government. she has $20 million settlement with california. state parole agents took over the job of watching garrido at his antioch home but failed to discover dugard. >> i think the crime of kidnapping and raping another woman in the shed is foreseeable that he may have done it again. >> we tried to reach attorneys but we did not hear back. there is two-year statute for negligence which would presumably expire of a august
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26th. the date that philip and nancy were arrested two years ago. john alston, "abc 7 news". >> you can watch diane sawyer interview in a prime time special this sunday at 9:00. >> a high she had chase left people injured in vallejo last night. suspect crashed and took off again crashing into another car at broadway. five people were you is inside that car including two children. they were taken to the hospital. the driver ran had from the scene but was arrested a short time later. >> there are more questions about what caused a deadly plane crash. it carried a family of four. everyone on board died. lisa amin gulezian reports on those who perished and the investigation now underway. >> it was like by big brother, looking out for me.
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>> john can't believe his brother is dead. he and his wife and sons were on their way to northern california to meet john and the rest of the family when they crashed. this little boy laid flowers at the crash scene tonight. this is video taken by a witness soon after the plane crashed near watsonville community hospital. the ntsb is in in charge of find outing what happened. they picked through the charred remains today. >> we looked at the man and machine and environment. when we look at the man, his pilot, his or her training, his or her experiences or experience in the aircraft type. >> david started flying a few years ago. he but the plane last year. they won't speculate on a cause on the crash but his friends have their own ideas. >> probably the airplane stalled and lost altitude.
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when you lose altitude on takeoff there isn't any, there isn't enough altitude to recover from the stall. >> authorities confirmed david, dede and the boys died instantly. >> they were incredible family. if you need a hug, a smile, they were there. >> one of them was injured let alone die but have the whole family go down in one shot like this. >> they will release a preliminary report in the next ten days but it be close to a year before the final report is published. survivors aboard a fishing boat that sank in the gulf of california blamed a captain and crew for failing to do their jobs to protect passengers. seven men are still missing off the coast of mexico. some of the survivors clung to rescue rings and even coolers
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for 16 hours until help arrived. pete sugar made it to a boat nearby but they saw the whole tragedy unfolding. >> there was no mayday, no beacon, no flares, a beacon, they pick it up immediately. >> the mexican navy provided the images of some of the survivors. as they continue to recover, several families hope their loved ones will be found alive. >> we have to face the fact that you know, the outcome may not be what we want. we know what has not been searched is inside the boat. >> mexican authorities plan to continue their work tomorrow. >> a tragic accident along the san mateo county coast, a man was killed after he fell nearly
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hundred feet. the man had been fishing with his family and decided to walk to the cliff top, that is when he slipped and fell. his family tried to revive him with cpr, firefighters say it was too late. >> a teenager was rescued tonight after falling nearly 20 feet at red rock beach in marin county. crew and helicopter plucked the 17-year-old off the side of a cliff and brought him up street. he had fallen down the cliff while hiking with friends. he had minor injuries to his head and knee and was taken to kaiser hospital to be checked out. >> police and fighters are monitoring science center after an acre had burned off skyline boulevard. they say an overheated car sparked the fire. they are monitoring the area to to make sure it doesn't re-ignite. >> man accused of swiping a drawing off a galley, he is
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asking for help. he is being held on $5 million bail in the heist of the pencil drawing. don sanchez spoke to lugo from jail today. cameras were not allowed inside but lugo says he doesn't want a public defender. since its such a high profile case, he wants a high profile defense attorney. >> a tragic accident at the ballpark after a baseball fan falls to his death. how major league baseball is responding. >> royal couple touches down on u.s. soil. warm reaction william and kate received in los angeles. >> an icon of american politics passes away, we'll have more on better at this ford. >> and coming up next on "nightline," babies behind bars, we go inside a program that let's convicts keep their babies
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while they are in prison. >> first ever interview, jaycee can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of ber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. ber one. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld.
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it's part of a game, fans catching balls in the stands about trying to make that grab cost a father his life. it happened in rangers and a's game in texas and out has rocked the baseball world. >> the foul. >> it was supposed to be a father-son bonding moment, one that dreams are made of. >> his son cried out daddy. my husband grabbed the boy. >> shannon stone, reached over to catch the ball hit by josh hamilton. >> he went head first. >> he fell to the concrete floor. >> he reached up to grab it and lost his balance. he went straight down, head
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first. >> stone it was conscious and alert to ask about the son but an hour later he was dead. >> it rocks to you the core of what we are about and memories we try to make in this game for our fans. >> major league baseball will review the incident with every club to ensure fan safety. if it could happen here, it could happen anywhere? >> a spokesperson told "abc 7 news" in lieu of the terrible tragedy, the organization will look with a fresh set of eyes of any vulnerabilities that may exist here at at&t park. a bay area soldier was killed while serving in afghanistan. sergeant a sergeant of san jose died tuesday when his unit was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. he leaves behind a wife and two chin.
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he received numerous medals. he was 36 years old. >> a funeral will take place in southern california for former first lady betty ford. she died five and a half years after the death of her husband. many admired her including her support of abortion rights. she suffered with arthritis and along with adistinctions to prescription drugs and alcohol. betty ford was 93 years old. she will be buried beside president ford in michigan. a fresh round of dismal unemployment numbers. country's unemployment rate rose to 9.2% and added only 18,000 jobs. that is the fewest in nine months. president obama addressed the disappointing report from the white house. he says the global downturn and refusal to raise the debt
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ceiling are part to blame. >> problems in greece and europe over uncertainty whether the debt limited here in the united states will be raised have also made businesses hesitant to invest. >> it does not make sense for americans to suffer under higher taxes in an economy like this. >> republican leaders say there will be no deal on the debt ceiling unless democrats agree to cut taxes. some firefighters have voted to take a pay cut to help the city. the union has voted to slash pay for 8.8% for the next three years. firefighters will make larger contributions to their pensions. oakland has been able to trim about $40 million from the $58 million deficit thanks to give backs from several unions. the space shuttle atlantis
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blasted off for the final space shuttle mission. >> two, one, zero and liftoff! >> a million peach watched from the kennedy space center as the crew of four lifted off. they will bring critical supplies including food to the international space station. employees in mountain view celebrated. within 24 hours we brought a sample of the tile from florida, prepared for a test, ran it under test conditions that the some shuttle would encounter and the atmospheric entry and certify it would survive. atlantis will spend 12 days in space before returning to earth july 20th. after 30 is years, it's
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amazing. -- it's remarkably cooler. let's check in with sandhya patel. >> we are looking at temperatures that is going to fall. it will feel a lot more like september than july. today we saw a little bump up in our numbers. inland locations we saw low to mid 90s. these 90s are going to be history before you know it. 86 in san jose. 84 in san rafael, oakland got up to 73 degrees and the fog held the temperatures down near the coast in the 60s. here is a look at our time lapse pay particular attention to that to be layer. from high definition east bay hills, the layer is pretty shallow but it has been deepening, now 1500 feet deep and that deepening marine layer along with the stronger onshore flow is going to set the stage for much cooler weather ahead. temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s. although inland around antioch, still pretty mild at 73 degrees.
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cooler area wide tomorrow and temperatures are going to bottom out next week, like i said it's going to look a lot more like september as we head into the middle of next week when temperatures drop down quite a bit. fog will keep the temperatures in the 50s around the coast and the bay. even in inland locations it's going to run cooler tonight. here is what is happening in the atmosphere. water vapor imagery shows a dim in the jetstream here. a trough is developing and a as it deepens cooler patterns get underway. we'll see the fog for the first thing in the morning pulling away but not quite near the coastline. it will hang around keeping temperatures in the 50s. inland areas are going to see the temperatures in the 80s. so like i said, it's now 80s, that the new july weather for the next week or so.
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as you look at these temperatures for a saturday, in south bay, it's going pleasant, 80 degrees in san jose and 84 for saratoga. sunshine on the peninsula but not quite as warm as what we've been seeing. cool and foggy along the coastline, upper 50s and downtown san francisco, 63 degrees. sunset district 58. as you look at the north bay, see the 60s at the beaches but 78 in petaluma. east bay, 74 for hercules. heading inland and temperatures are in low to upper 80s. 86 antioch, 84 for concord. around the monterey bay, 63 in monterey. 60 in carmel. heading to the giants game tomorrow night, they take on the new york mets at 6:05. puarp 50s and then eventually dropping down to the mid-50s. a bit on the cool side. here look at accu-weather seven-day forecast, it is much cooler especially by middle of
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next week. we see more cloud cover, upper 70s and the warmest locations. upper 70s, 15-20 degrees where we should be for this time of year. >> we're getting used to this. a new poll about which luxury that americans are giving up to save cash. >> and two things many
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-dad, why e you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are the great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol.
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stickers? uh-uh. a perhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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the economy has some americans giving up some of their basic luxuries. their morning cup of coffee is too much of a financial burden. 46% are taking lunch to work instead of buying it. three-quarters of shoppers admit trying to cut back have started buying generic products. cellphone service and driving their own cars they are not giving up. the royal couple came to the united states and large crowds lined the streets to welcome them. >> we got the shirt, we got the flag. hurray. we love you will and kate.
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we hope you love your stay. we love you. >> that is how it went today. they were greeted by governor jerry brown. they went straight to a reception at consul general's home. they will be in southern california for three days. part of their itinerary is a polo match followed a star-studded event honoring british film. this is kate's first trip to the united states. let's check in with colin rush. >> it's been a tough day. >> the follow up to that tragedy in texas, josh hamilton reflects on the throw that turned tragic. wait until you hear who made their first visit to mccovey cove.tctctctctctctctctctctctctcc
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can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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welcome back. this sort of tragedy would mess with anyone's head, hamilton isn't just any other player, besides being a reigning mvp.
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he had this to say afterwards. >> this is, you know, obviously i didn't know the gentleman that had the accident. i don't know his family. it's still an emotional attachment because it's part of what happens. it's really something i have to deal with. it's nothing that is going to make me go back to where i was. >> that is good to hear. a's donated $35,000 to the rangers and memorial fund said up for shannon stone. rangers players are taking the death pretty hard. >> to think it happened at our baseball game, we play this game for fun.
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there is so many enjoyable things about it, one of the things we love to see is little kids at the ballpark. >> tonight's game, players sporting black ribbons in shannon's honor. >> 5-0 texas after just one inning. top two, a's get on the board. scott sizemore, a shot to left. nobody aboard and that makes it 5-1, sizemore's fourth of year. he takes them deep, that is number 13 for him. three batters later, adrian beltre 8-5 loss. >> mets in town, san francisco
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two up in the west on arizona coming in. it will be al michaels and bob costas on the call. giants up 1-0, this hangs it high. 2-1 shot to take the lead. michaels in deputy. >> he is there and it is a tie game! >> in the mccovey cove, first flash 2-2 game. brian wilson, pinch hit are, anderson pulls one to the left. mets win it 5-2. arizona a winner tonight and they are now within a game of the giants in the national league west. >> thank you. >> "nightline" is up next. >> for all of us, thanks for joining us. >> we appreciate your time. hope you have a terrific weekend
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and good night. -dad, why e you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are the great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a perhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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